Video tapes of the reunion will be available!  Orders will be taken online.
Ordering information will be posted soon."
School tours were not scheduled due to low response.

7 pm - 12 am     REUNION DANCE - Charlie Williams' Pinecrest Lodge
     (Off Whitehall Road)
Dancing * Hors D'oeuvres * Conversation Areas * Prizes * Cash Bar
Music provided by DJ's Unlimited (Atlanta)
Casual to dressy attire suggested.
Cost: $30 per person - reservations must be received by June 8.
Please make checks payable to 'Class of 73 Reunion' and mail to:
Julie L. James
230-3 Phidias Avenue
Athens, GA  30605-2927
In town early?  Join us Friday evening at Logan's Roadhouse, 3668 Atlanta Hwy
(near Hwy 10 intersection and Georgia Square Mall) - 7:30 pm until...
Need a place to stay?   Holiday Inn Express, 513 W. Broad St., is the host hotel with special rates:
$65.00 per night - two people
$69.00 per night - four people
Call (800) 465-4329 or (706) 546-8122 for reservations and tell them you're with the Class of '73
Reunion to guarantee special rates!  For additional lodging information, please visit the Athens Convention and Visitors Bureau website @
Need more information?  Contacts:  Julie James or (706) 548-6798 (H)
             David and Arretta (Baughcum) Piatek or (706) 546-1774 (H).

Charlie Williams Pinecrest Lodge  - Off of Whitehall Rd. - Athens ,GA 30605
Website donated by Internet Services
All Rights Reserved
Copyright 2003  Athens Combined Class of 1973 Reunion 
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Last modified May 24, 2013